Saks Apprenticeships Satisfaction Survey 20-21

Each year Saks Apprenticeships consult the salon owners and apprentices we work with to make sure we are doing everything we do in the best way possible. Here's a summary of the 21/22 results.

Saks Apprenticeships Satisfaction Survey 2020/21

  • Virtually all of the people surveyed had an overall satisfaction level of Good or Outstanding!
  • 93% of Saks Apprenticeships Apprentices rated the overall quality of our hair or beauty training as Good or Outstanding.
  • 95% of Salon Owners would recommend Saks Apprenticeships to other salons
  • 99% of apprentices who sat their End Point Assessments passed - 28% with a distinction and 7% with full marks!

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If you would like to find out more about our Outstanding Apprenticeships, are looking for an apprentice for your salon or would like to start on your journey into an exciting and rewarding career get in touch today!

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01325 341596
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